Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Welcome !

Hello and welcome!  After much hemming and hawing, I have finally decided to join the online community and give blogging a try.  As indicated by the title of my blog, "Simple Treasures," I won't be writing about anything thought-provoking or life-changing...I will leave that up to the experts.  Rather I will focus on enjoying the simple things in life that are often overlooked in our hectic daily schedules. 

I have been a bilingual tutor for over 20 years.  I work with Japanese families who have been temporarily relocated to southeast Michigan teaching them English and helping them adjust to their new lives in America.  I love my job.  Not only does it give me the chance to help those in need, but I also get to meet many interesting people.  Although I welcome all readers, this blog will be written mainly for my students and for those people looking for a unique way to improve their English.  I look forward to sharing much more with you.  Let me know what you would like to read about.  I hope you enjoy the blog :)


  • hem and haw   -   to hesitate (口ごもる)
  • indicate  -  show ; mean(指し示す)
  • thought-provoking  -  interesting ; exciting(示唆に富む) 
  • leave up to  -  to let (someone) make the action or decision(まかせる)
  • overlook  -  forget ; ignore(見落とす)
  • hectic  -  busy ; chaotic(ごちゃごちゃな)
  • temporarily  -  briefly ; limited (仮に)
  • adjust  -  adapt ; conform(適応させる)
  • unique  -  different ; special(特殊)


Besides my job as a tutor, I also enjoy working with a few tools and my hands making racks, shelves and ladders out of beat-up wood and antique hardware.  Not only is it fun to be creative, but pounding nails with a hammer can also be a great stress reliever.  For those who are interested, I do take orders and can make them according to desired style and size. Below are just a few examples of what I make.


I am always looking for ideas for new designs.  Let me know what you would like to see.
Come back often to check out pictures of more styles.  If you have any questions, would like to see more pictures, or would like to place an order, please feel free to contact me :) 




  1. さっそくおじゃまします。あっこ(Akiko)です。



    1. Hello Akiko! Thank you so much for all your help in getting my blog up and running. 色々お世話になって有難うございます。これからもよろしくおねがいします。
